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Eron Damercy

Eron Damercy


Rochester Museum and Science Center

Dialogue & Deliberation Fellowship

Eron is a Rochester, New York, native and a passionate student of the history, ethnology, and ecology of the region.

As School and Teacher Program Coordinator at the Rochester Museum and Science Center, Eron mixes teaching, administration, and curriculum development to help the museum refine its educational offerings to suit the needs of today’s learners. They also designed and managed the museum’s Curiosity Club program, a unique childcare and tutoring service offered in response to the increased need for affordable care opportunities during the pandemic.

Outside of the Museum, Eron is an active part of Rochester’s food justice and housing justice communities—working with the Flower City Pickers, the REACH shelter, Food not Bombs and more—and works to raise vaccine confidence among their neighbors, especially members of communities who have been historically harmed and exploited by medical institutions.

As an informal educator, Eron works to ignite curiosity in all learners, empower them with tools and strategies that will help them further their own growth, and to call attention to the power of critical thinking, logic, and inquiry to ameliorate ecological and social challenges. Through this fellowship program, they hope to deepen their knowledge of community needs and priorities, and to position the Rochester Museum and Science Center as an accessible, welcoming resource to serve those needs.